Heart Whispers
Heart Whispers
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Lord, make my eyes a shining light;
That I may make some sad lives bright.
Send to my ever listening ear;
A message full of love and cheer.

From my lips, let me speak life;
To all who faint from worldly strife.
My hands some act of kindness do;
To bring some searching soul to you.

Lord, ever guide my wondering feet;
Toward heaven's blessed golden street.
I dedicate my life to Thee,
Your loyal servant I will be.

Copyright 1962
Clara Scarberry


The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul.
The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The commandments of the LORD are right,
bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are clear,
giving insight to life.

Reverence for the LORD is pure, lasting forever.
The laws of the LORD are true; each one is fair.
They are more desirable than gold,
even the finest gold.
They are sweeter than honey,
even honey dripping from the comb.
They are a warning to those who hear them;
there is great reward for those who obey them.

How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart?
Cleanse me from these hidden faults.
Keep me from deliberate sins!
Don't let them control me.
Then I will be free of guilt
and innocent of great sin.
May the words of my mouth
and the thoughts of my heart
be pleasing to you, O LORD,
my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:7-14


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<BGSOUND SRC="midis/amazinglove.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">
Amazing Love