Yet Still Another Angel Going Home

Dedicated to Dee
July 30, 2008

I sat for hours beside her,
and held her precious hand
She at times,
opened her eyes
as if pleading with mine,
And tho silent of sound,
we needed no sound to speak,
For our hearts spoke of
the love and the sadness within.

She is my beloved first-born,
how the memories linger.
Reaching back through
the chapters of time,
As tho inked in my brain,
never to be forgotten
Never to hear the sweetness
of her laughter.

Other Angels,
gone on ahead
as tho paving the path,
Reaching down for the hands
of a sister so endeared.

Lord, I know
they were only on loan from you,
Only to be returned
as you lovingly called.
So Father God,
time grows shorter daily,
Yet still
another Angel going home.

I too, can only pray
someday to join them
To gather each loved one
in my arms again.

Dedicated to Dee
My beloved firstborn
copyright Clara Scarberry©

This Poem is written in honor
of my Beloved Daughter Diana.
Diana (Dee) was diagnosed with Alzheimers.
In the last few months
she has declined rapidly,
after being placed in a nursing home.
In the past few weeks she has slipped into
a semi-comatose state.
Diana does not recognize anyone,
nor does she speak.
She opens her eyes
briefly from time to time.
My heart is breaking
to see my beloved daughter
go thru this pain.


The Art work, used with permission in making this set is
© Mary Baxter.

<BGSOUND SRC="midis/iwillalwaysloveyou.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">
I Will Always Love You

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