Why Mommy, do the raindrops fall,
Are the angels sad today?
Maybe it's because they know
Someone forgot to pray!

Why Mommy, do people fight
And say some hurtful things?
Is it because they do not know
The joy that Jesus brings?

Why Mommy, are some folks scared
They'll fail before they try?
Don't they know God will help them
If His help they don't deny?

Why Mommy, are people blind
To see what's in God's book?
It's all so plain and simple
If only they would look.

It's written down in God's own Word<
For all the world to see.
Why Mommy, is it so hard for them'
When it's easy, even for me?

© Clara Scarberry

Page Maintained by:
Sonja's Designs

Graphics © 2003 Haven Of Love Designs
All Rights Reserved.

<BGSOUND SRC="midis/jesusdrawmeclose.mid">
Jesus Draw Me Close