War Paint




To Our Soldier Son
Son, we hate to see you go so far,
From all who love you dear,
We'll miss you more then you can know.
And for your safety, fear.

For danger lurks in Viet Nam,
Tho we must remember too,
That where there's any danger;
Our Lord is there with you.

We're proud of you and love you,
We want you this to know,
That wherever they may send you,
Our love and prayers will go.

So now, dear Son, God bless you,
May He circle you with His Grace.
Shield, protect, and guide you
Bring you safely to our embrace.

This poem was written
for our son.
By the grace of God,
he returned safely.


copyright Clara Scarberry


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Graphics by Rebecca

Forrest Gladden

Site Maintained by
Sonja's Designs


<BGSOUND SRC="midis/america_13.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">
American Patriotic Medley
Sequenced By Don Carroll