



You're just a child at age thirteen,
You've much of life to live.
Hang onto childhood while you can,
And see what it can give.

Don't rush ahead to meet life's storm,
But walk slowly through each rain.
Just be a child while you can,
You never will again.

I know life seems exciting now,
And you feel you're all grown up.
But if you drink of life too fast,
You'll reap a bitter cup.

So, don't rebel, stomp or cry
When things don't go your way.
Remember time goes quickly,
You'll be all grown up someday.

A child is like a peice of fruit,
That ripens on the tree,
It starts out a pretty blossom
For all the world to see.

Then, gradually, it starts to grow.
Takes on it's fruit-like form.
It's held tightly to the tree,
And protected from the storm.

When ripe and ready, it will drop,
It no longer needs the tree.
And so it is with human life,
That's how it's meant to be.

Like the fruit upon the tree
You need time to learn and grow.
To face the trials of life ahead,
Pay heed to those who know.

It's only those who really care
Enough to tell you, "NO"
That you will find beside you
As through this life you go.

If you should stumble on the way,
And take a fall or two-
You'll find the ones who really care
Will be right there with you.

So, Child, here's my prayer for you,
Written from my heart with love:
May God keep you always safe from harm
With guardian angels from above.

Copyright 1998 Clara Scarberry
All Rights Reserved


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<BGSOUND SRC="midis/038.mid">
"I Will Follow Him"