It hasn't been one of my better days!
Oh! it started out with great expectations.
After somewhat bragging
on the good bread baker I am,
my friends decided
I should do some proving.

Full of confidence in my abilities,
I got up this morning thinking,
"today is the day,
I'll bake a huge batch of bread,
rolls, and cinnamon rolls."
So, I proceeded to put my skills to the test.
I got out all the ingredients,
borrowed a big dishpan from my neighbor,
and began mixing.

I pounded, punched, and poked
that big hunk of dough,
and I could just envision
steaming hot loaves,
brushed with butter,
and smelling "out of this world", and beautiful,
delicious cinnammon rolls with raisins
peeking through, covered with white icing.

My mouth watered as I envisioned
those hot rolls with supper.
So as I layed out all the
delicasies to let rise,
I felt at peace
and with a deep satisfaction,
sat back to wait.

I waited...and waited...and waited.

I realized something was not quite right.
The loaves just were not coming to the top
of the pan as I had anticipated.
The realization of knowing
I had made a FLOP hit me,
and as I began to clear away the results,
I couldn't help a few tears of remorse.

I began thinking of how sure I was,
and it hit me:
we can't be so sure of ourselves
that we forget we are candidates
for failure at various times in our lives.
Sometimes we need a FLOP now and then,
but we have to admit our mistakes
and then try again.

Tomorrow, I will bake more bread,
and with God's help,
there will be no tears in the dough!

Copyright 1998 Clara Scarberry
All Rights Reserved


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