What do you do when love turns cold
When your arms cry out for someone to hold?
Where do you turn when the light grows dim
And you wonder, "Lord, when did it all begin?

Your spirit hungers to be fed
But heartache and tears are the devil's bread.
"Reach out, reach up," the spirit cries.
The joy of the Lord will dry tear-dimmed eyes.

Stand on God's Word, just don't give up.
Wait on the Lord, He'll fill your cup.
In all things, whether good or bad,
Praise God for the blessings you have had.

And know for sure, there will be more.
That's what Christ went to Calvary for.
He took our sorrows and our grief,
That we might live abundently.

So when you feel that life has fled
And left you feelilng fear and dread,
Just get down on your knees and pray
That God will show you a better way.

Then stand and lift your hands in praise,
As His love comes thru in various ways.
The love you once thought had turned cold
Has been returned, a hundred-fold.

You'll find His light still shining thru,
Because God answered prayer for you.


Copyright Clara Scarberry






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<BGSOUND SRC="midis/hekeepsmesinging.mid">
He Keeps Me Singing