Memorial To Roses


Yes, life is full of roses
They're called blessings in disguise.
The thorns are crosses we must bear
That bring teardrops to our eyes.

A little thorn called worry,
Or a large thorn bringing grief
The roses are the memories
That give our souls relief.

A rose may be a tiny babe
It's life bringing joy.
The thorn may be to lose that child
That little girl or boy.

Oh, life is full of roses
If you don't mind the thorns they bring,
God will heal the wounds that hurt us
And in Him again, we'll sing....

Copyright Clara Scarberry


Here are two of our beautiful roses.
They were very painful thorns
when we lost them,
But the roses bloom now
They no longer suffer
from the Aids that ravaged
their bodies.
We know they bloom as sweet as
the most beautiful roses
Tammy now holds her
baby in her arms
as she went to be with her
just one year after the baby left us.
The thorns are still painful,
but the roses are so sweet,
The roses of MEMORIES.

Copyright Clara Scarberry

This red ribbon is a symbol
of the fight against the dreadful disease,
which took the life of my grand daughter
and her baby,
and put them through a terrible time
of suffering before they were taken from us,
May God help us all in this world
and give man the wisdom to find cures
for such illnesses and disease..
There are none of us immune,
so don't set back thinking
"oh it can't happen to me,
or to my family!"
Beleive me it can happen anywhere,
at any time, to anyone.
And don't be quick to judge
the victim of such disease...
Not knowing she was pregnant at the time..
Her baby was born HIV
which soon turned into full blown AIDS.
No one was to blame,
no shame attatched to this case,
only pain and loss of two beautiful people
A mother and her baby.

Copyright Clara Scarberry



Site Maintained by:
Sonja's Designs

<BGSOUND SRC="midis/therose.mid">
"The Rose - Bette Midler"

©Danny Hahlbohm entitled GIFT FROM ABOVE
and used with his permission