I write this page in loving memory
of those whom I loved here on earth
and have gone on to live in heaven,
will forever live in my heart...
My heart rejoices knowing that someday
we will all be together again.

Born - August 24, 1925 - Died - August 16, 1975

I first met Lawrence at a skating rink in Detroit, Michigan. We were just kids, he was 18 and I was 16, but we fell in love and on June 4,1944, we were married. We had 31 years of life together and were blessed with eight beautiful children...At age 40, Lawrence had his first heart of many and our lives were filled with worry and concern for him, but he never let on that he was concerned..He kept up a good front for us to keep us from being afraid of the ineventable fact that he would not be with us much longer...Lawrence was a shy man, quiet and I used to call him anti-social...He would rather set home playing his guitar and spending time with his family, then to go out anywhere...He adored his children and would take them fishing, or to little league ball games, or to the drive-in movies...With eight children we had our own ball team so we played ball a lot. We always lived in the country, so did gardening and he worked as a farm-hand for our landlord. He worked very hard and never complained...He was a good father and a wonderful man..His leaving has left an empty spot in our lives. We look forward to being together again when God chooses for us to be...

Born - November 29, 1946 - Died - November 23, 1991

Fred was our first-born son..A joy and 100% boy. Seemed he could find trouble anywhere and was so mischievious. His bus driver once told me,"Fred is the kind of boy that can be sitting minding his own business and someone will come up and hit him just to get something started"...But he was a good man and was well loved and respected...always there to lend a helping hand to anyone in need...He loved telling jokes and he had a good sence of humor...He loved old people and would stop just to say hello if he seen an old person setting alone on their porch...He would call me long distance just to ask how I prepared a certain dish he was cooking...I miss his calls....I miss my son. He, like his father had a genetic heart condition and so at a early age, only 48, he went to join his father and the Lord. He had five children and they miss him too...One of these days as the Lord has promised, we will see you again, son..We love you.


My Daughter Sandy died of a massive stroke
May 6, 2007
I Miss her so very much!
Sandy is now in heaven with her
Daughter Tammy and Granddaughter Nichole

Tammy - Born - June 16, 1968 - Died - September 11, 1996

Nichole - Born - December 15, 1993 - Died - August10, 1995

Tammy was my eldest grand daughter..She was a very sweet and private person...Never did I know of her being rowdy or wild, but a very quiet, gentle girl...Tammy had two children whom she loved dearly...She was pregnant with her first baby, Nichole, when was hit with the devastating news that she was HIV positive, from a blood transfusion she had received previously. Tammy never let it overcome her and she fought a valiant fight. She lost her baby to the AIDS virus when Nichole was only 19 months old...Tammy had a baby boy also but he is in good health. Tammy lost her sight toward the end and suffered the horrors of this terrible disease...before subcoming to it one year after losing Nichole...She is sadly missed by her family and friends. We will be together again, Tammy and Nichole..We love you.

Other beloved members of my family who have gone on ahead are as follows:

My dearly beloved mother
Sisters: Dorothy, Lois and Ruth
Brothers: Elmo, Dale, Noel
Much loved sister and brother-in-laws
I miss you all so very much.. Life is lonely here without you.
My only hope is in God's promise that we will meet again,
and what a reunion that will be. I love you all and you will
forever be in my heart...

All Writings Copyright Clara Scarberry

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<BGSOUND SRC="midis/willthecircle.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">
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