Stairway to Heaven by Jim Warren

Stairway to Heaven by Jim Warren

Life's Pathway To Heaven

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Throw cares to the wind, all except one,
The care of your soul let remain.
For God in His Heaven, knows only love,
So your search for His love is not vain.

Forget all life's worries, trials, and woe's,
Just look up to Heaven and say,
"God, grant me the wisdom, faith, and strength
To live in Thy Glory each day.

Let not troubles haunt me,
Nor trials make me fall.
Let love and Thy mercy shine through.
In all that I do, each hour of the day.
Let me first look up and thank You.

For life's every trial is only for now
The Glory of God is above.
Our bodies will die and decay in the ground,
But our souls will be kept by His love.

So pray to the Lord, our Master, our King.
Pray for thy neighbor and friend
Then when humbly you stand,
On that great judgement day,
You'll find love and forgiveness with-in.

(cc) Clara Scarberry

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Stairway to Heaven by Jim Warren

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<BGSOUND SRC="midis/tearsinheaven.mid">
"Tears In Heaven"