If I Called God

If I called God Almighty,
On the telephone today;
And told Him just how bad I feel,
I wonder what He'd say?
Would He tell me just to pray a lot,
And count my blessings too?
Or would He understand that now,
They seem like such a few.?
I wonder if He'd also say,
To look at other people's trials,
To see how minor mine compare
How I should be all smiles.
If He should lift the telephone,
And hear my grief and pain,
Would He really understand and say,
"Your call is not in vain."
Or, would He, like humans that I know,
Say,"You're just feeling sorry for yourself?
You're not really quite as bad as some,
In fact you have great wealth."
Yet, I don't feel so wealthy.
I feel sad and lonely too.
Do you think if I would call Him,
He would tell me what to do?

Copyright Clara Scarberry

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<BGSOUND SRC="midis/carman_fearnotmychild.mid">
Carman: Fear Not My Child