Honor thy father and thy mother:
that thy days may be long upon the land
which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
(Exodus 20:12)



Honor Thy Father and Mother

Honor thy father and mother, God said.
So long may you live on the earth.
Obey your elders and speak with respect
To the parents who gave you birth.

You may not always agree, it is true.
But you don't need to yell to be heard.
A lot of hurt and heartaches is caused,
When all it would take is a soft word.

When fathers or mothers say, do or don't
It's usually for a good reason.
They've been through lifes school, and
they've learned all the rules,
So take them by faith, it's more pleasin'

Your folks have a lot invested in you,
All the years that they planned for your life.
It doesn't matter the struggle or care,
For their love way out-numbers the strife.

You may say, I didn't ask to be born
That's true, but your life was all planned
By God up above, and your parents love,
There's a time when you will understand.

Copyright Clara Scarberry


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Artwork: From a Broderbund CD

Quote:"Grow old along with me
the best is yet to be"
~Robert Browning


Page Maintained by:
Sonja's Designs

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Because He Lives