Friends may come and friends may go
but True Friends are Forever.

My Garden of Friends

I have a beautiful garden
All lined with lovely friends.
Their faces bloom with sunshine,
In my heart as each day ends.

I try to tend them daily
As I watch them grow in bliss.
For as each new bud developes,
It brings me happiness.

I walk among my flowers,
With care, I watch each step.
So as not to crush a petal,
Or cause it sudden death.

For, as in every garden
It needs love and tender care.
Friends are much like flowers,
You can find them anywhere.

I thank God for my garden
Of friends, I hold most dear,
And if you look among them
You will find, you're planted there.

Copyright 1998 Clara Scarberry


Friendship is two toddlers,
playing in the sand.
Friendship is two teenagers,
walking hand in hand.
Friendship is two lovers,
still in love after many years.
Friendship is compassion,
sharing one anothers tears.

What would we do without it,
if it never did exist,
What kind of world,
if friendship we'd resist.
A sad and lonely life you'd say
If never a friendship would come our way.

So greet a stranger today with a smile.
And even go that extra mile.
You never know that stranger you meet
Could be a new friend, someone kind and sweet

You never know;
tomorrow may go wrong
You may need a friendship good and strong
For isn't it true in our darkest hour,
True friendship is our greatest power?

Copyright Clara Scarberry



Margie, My dearest Friend
She was from Ohio, where we met over fifty years ago
Her last home was in Arkansas
Margie went to be with the Lord just a few weeks ago
I miss her terribly.





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