

Children Gone


I sat out on the porch tonight
Stared up and down the street.
It seemed so strangely quiet,
No sound of children's feet.


I looked across the rows of lawns
So neatly trimmed and green.
And wondered to myself, Oh God,
What does the silence mean?


Where is the sound of laughter,
Of happy children with a song?
Tell me, won't you, Jesus,
Where have all the children gone?


No skipping rope or hop-scotch,
No, strike three, yer out
No Mother may I? Tag, You're it
Or kick the can about.


Where are the happy lovers,
Strolling hand in hand?
Where is the sound of music,
That sweetly filled our land?


It's gone! Now there is silence,
For there is fear in every heart.
Fear to walk the streets at night,
Oh! when did it all start?


There's video games, and TV shows
To keep the kids inside.
Where parents feel their safety
Inside the house abides.


It's sad to set here on the step,
And hear no children's song.
It's just not like it used to be
With all the children gone.


© 1998 Clara Scarberry

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