All My Children



This is where it all life!



Two kids, madly in love at ages 18 and 16.
Married on June 4, 1944
August 16, 1975 Dad went home to be with the Lord.
His leaving has left a big void in our lives.
We miss you, Dad.



Our firstborn was
a beautiful daughter, Diana.
She was 3 months old
before her daddy got back
from the war in Japan, to see her.

She has two children,
a boy and a girl
and two grand-daughters



Diana has become a victum of Alzheimer's disease.


Our baby boy came along
and what a handful he was.
A bundle of joy
and a hundred per cent boy!
Fred had a heart of gold
and was always there if needed.
He was married twice and had 5 children..
His last wife was Anne..
Fred went to be with his dad on November 23,1992.
We miss you too, son.




A year after our son, came daughter #2..
Sandy was a very quiet child and a very beautiful one.
She married, had a son and two daughters.
She lost a daughter and grandbaby recently,
but still stands strong through all her grief...
She recently married a great guy,
and Gary stands by her and gives her the support she needs.



Sandy passed away from a massive stroke on,
May 6, 2007. My heart aches again.



Shari came along and blessed our home
with her own special personality...
always singing and making humor.
It was next to impossible to stay mad at her.
When she got into mischief,
she had a way of causing you
to break out into laughter.
I would tell her,
*I can laugh and spank at the same time*.
Dad always told her she was
the *flower* of the family--
*a blooming idiot*.
Even now, going through cancer
treatments and all the pain
and anguish that goes with that,
she is a fighter and
takes all that comes her way
and gets right back up..
Of course having a devoted husband in Tim,
gives her strength...
*Thanks* Tim, we love you!
Their only son is in the Army in Korea.
Tony returned from Korea,
then spent two hitches of duty in Iraq.
He now is training rangers in Florida.





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<BGSOUND SRC="midis/ShineJesusShine.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">
Shine Jesus Shine


© Clara Scarberry


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